365 days ago, Star Wars fans around the world celebrated the Unofficial Star Wars holiday that is May 4th. Today should be no different. All across the land, you should hear cries from loved ones, family members and co-workers, "May the Fourth be with you!" Well... maybe only if you run in circles where such battle cries are commonplace....
While that is the primary reason for my season, a secondary, albeit no less epic, reason is the kick-off of the Summer Movie-going Season! And it all starts with the long-anticipated, comic-book/geek dream team movie
The Avengers!
If you have been living under a rock over the last year, or just plain old don't know what the heck I'm talking about, click the link above to see trailers, as well as other details on characters and plot points, then assemble your team,
For those that may not have the loose credits, after the jump are some Star Wars links for your enjoyment!
- The good folks over at GeekDad on Wired.com posted this today for all to enjoy!
- The ALWAYS awesome Starwars.com has several links dedicated to today. A couple of my favorites are:
- Star Wars E-Cards for all occasions! Especially today!
- For those of you that have a smart phone, keep up to date with your friends on Facebook and Twitter as well as celebrate Star Wars Kinect on Xbox 360, you can download this app for free!!!
- If you try to keep up with the Star Wars Clone Wars show on Cartoon Network, like me, this weekend only Starwars.com is showing (read: making available online) a marathon of Season 4. When you're done with that, click here to watch a teaser for Season 5! Looks like things are heating up for the Jedi as we near the events in Episode III!
- I don't usually frequent their site, but The Hollywood Gossip has a short little blurb, plus a pretty sweet video! Check it out!
- The infamous distress message from a holographic Princess Leia may be closer than we think! Well, at least according to the ladies and gentlemen at the Daily Mail in the UK. I won't ruin it for you here, but click on over and check out some cool tech!
There is a galaxy's worth of other events and links that you could find from all over the world. These few here are just a sampling of the ones that caught my eye! If you run across any others, please comment and post a link to your favorite.
And as always, May the 4th be with you~!
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