Like the proverbial phoenix... (or Terminator) I'm ba-a-a-ack!
Well, we'll see how often I can actually post in succession. I wanted to give you a few updates on what's gone on since last year (!!!). <--- Yeah, it's been a FULL YEAR since I posted last!
I still have a post from back then that I need to polish up a bit, but that can wait for another day.
So this last year has been full! Some of the highlights include: learning about copyright laws, jury duty, getting tattooed, and getting back on stage. Just to name a few (that I can recall right now)! For some details, continue on past the jump.
A couple events are linked together. Last year, a buddy of mine and I put our (deviously) creative minds together and decided to try our hand at designing t-shirts. We came up with a whole slew of ideas, drew them up, and started the process of learning how to polish the images to post online. I am happy to report that through many trial-and-error sessions (and a few "take down" requests :0\), we think we may finally have a winner!
Check out our shop over at --> GeekStorm
OK, the shameless plug part is done....
We've got more designs we're trying to clean up. So hopefully our shop design offerings will grow! That leads me into the "getting ink'd" part!
I had been talking for years about getting a tattoo, but I just couldn't come up with the right design. I wanted it to reflect my personality, my interests, as well as a lasting challenge to myself (since it would be done with permanent ink!). So, I designed my own. Obviously, I'm a Star Wars fan, so that was incorporated. I also brought in elements from the Legend of Zelda series. You would think that I would have an awesome pic of it by now, but sadly I do not... yet....
If I can get my scanner to scan again, I'll post pics over on my deviantArt page.
The event I am most excited about is my return to the theatre! It started as a request to design the poster/program cover for a co-worker's show. One audition later, I am doing my first stage show in over 10 years! It has been very trying - especially for my family (thanks honey!) - but I can definitely say I am much happier! Tired, but happier.
Oh, remember the request of the poster design? Yeah... did that too! Check it out!
As you can see, a bit crazy this year (so far!) and it's not even over yet.... Thanks for reading! Until next time... enjoy this clip!
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